Wednesday, December 03, 2008

the oDdity of Life & rEligion....

The recent terrorist attacks on Mumbai have been seen with both hatred and sympathy all around the world, hatred for the ruthless attackers and sympathy for the people that were killed as well as the jawans that laid down their lives trying to save more innocent lives . It was an ordeal that would be remembered for long, more so because the trauma spanned for more than 2 days. Those 2 days were the most traumatic and painful hours for the families and the people who were involved in the tragedy, beyond any doubts.

A total of 188 people lost their lives in the attacks, with many more injured but nonetheless alive. There were prayers all around the world for the safety of the people who were held up captive during the attacks. People forgot their daily troubles and prayed for one cause, the well being of the tragic people battling for their lives. Being an atheist myself, I realized how mundane the concept of religion is. Humanity and conscience are of more relevance in this world rather than the concept of religion.

If religion cannot bring people together for the good of themselves and other communities around them, then we ought to look for some other form of belief that can do so. This belief of mine to discard religion got strengthened as the Mumbai saga unfolded. We prayed not for ourselves, but for others. Take an introspective moment and try to honestly realize how many times do we pray for our own benefit. You will realize how hollow the concept of religion is. During the course of time, we have digressed from the true form of religion and molded it to suit our needs. We fight on it, we debate on it, we even kill for hopeless the state of man.

See also the helplessness of God in answering the prayers of people whose relatives and loved one's lost their lives, but look at the belief of people who prayed and their prayers answered in form of safety of their relatives. Chance or fate, call whatever you may, I prefer to call it as Hope. Believe in any form of God or none for that matter, but never let go of Hope. Hope drives our sincerest of emotions in times of need, and takes the form of prayers that come out for well being of others and ourselves. Pray to make others life better, what good are prayers whose inception stems from selfishness.

Take a moment and think about it, it is time we realize what we believe in and what we reject. Whatever it maybe, it should only be for good. I am proud to be an atheist and take pride in staying away from petty arguments on religion, I have thoughts that can reach to more people and not sects of religion or community.
Isn't channeling your thoughts for the benefit of everyone out there the purpose of life ..???? I say Yes and act the same way, let reason guide your belief.

As Rene' Descartes said:
I know of no other qualities that contribute to the
perfection of the mind; for as to the reason or sense,
inasmuch as it is
that alone which constitutes us men,
and distinguishes us from the brutes,
I am disposed to
believe that it is to be found complete in each



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