Friday, October 03, 2008

mUstang rides along.......or dOes it ???

You see, it is all so true when some say that life gives you all the angles to the same situation over a course of time. Experience is the name given to it (I prefer to call it irony). I have personally had a fascination about cars, a trait not so different from the rest of the male youth. Ever since I had learnt to drive a car, which was at a very early age of 13, I was more and more interested in new cars coming out in the market. At the age of 19, when I was more adept at driving, I always felt the urge to drive something more classy, something more powerful than the normal Indian cars around that time. It so happens that you don't necessarily get behind the wheels of such cars until and unless you dad is filthy rich, which is not the case with me :(.

I always remembered a song by Five for Fighting called 65 Msustang. This song has so much passion written into it, that every time I hear this it reignites the fantasy of taming the beast. Now all the while I had been waiting for a chance to do this if I ever get out of India. Here comes the best part, I do get a chance to get out of India. But wait, even before you start thinking on a positive note, let me just give you the lyrics of the song:

She's my time machine
She's my rolling memory
She's my family
And I love her so
She knows my secrets well
But her back seat won't ever tell
She's no Jezebel

My '65 Mustang rides along
Every mile's another song
And what I don't remember
She never forgets
That little girl ain't let me down yet

It all comes back to me
When I turn that horse's key
I'm 17 or 23
Or bringing home my first baby
Like Dad did when the '65 was three

She's been four colors
We've broken forty laws
She goes where she wants
No matter what the cost

No power nothing here
AC's 2 by 75
Yea you got it man
You roll em down and drive

My '65 Mustang rides along
Every mile's another song
And what I don't remember
She never forgets
That little girl ain't let me down yet

It all comes back to me
When I turn that horse's key
I'm 17 or 23
Or bringing home my first baby
Like Dad did when the '65 was three

Don't need to play no new CD's
She's enough music for me
I Don't need no new AC
Cause she's cooler than I'll ever be

My wild Mustang
She's waiting on me
Ready to take us away
Sail across the sea

When I'm on her back
I'm the boy each man should be
She's My Family Tree

My '65 Mustang rides along
Every mile's another song
And what I don't remember
She never forgets
That little girl ain't let me down yet

It all comes back to me
When I turn that horse's key
And she roars to me...I'm 23
Or bringing home my first baby
Like Dad did when the '65 was three

She's my family

So now I am in Africa. If you know about the Christ, you must also know of the Anti-Christ. .......................
And so I can aptly say that I am driving an Anti-Mustang here. Its a Wagon R African version
This car is like a skeleton who has been beaten to death and had the shit kicked out of it. All the parts function independently unlike a normal car which has everything going together for it. When you take a turn, the first sound that comes out is a chassis being twisted. Once you are in the turn, the wheel goes berserk and just freezes. Once you are out of the turn and accelerating, the engine just dies on you. It takes 3 minutes to reach from 10 to 70 on the speedometer. You can empathize with the engine pushing, pushing and just pushing to get along.

Now there are many other sounds that this car develops every now and then, but I ain't no car expert to understand if its the stomach or the liver that has malfunctioned this time. The only reason that I don't get away from this car, even though I can, is that I treat is as a old man nearing the death bed. I have to stick around it for so long as it is not dead, I have to see it die peacefully. I can't let it depend on someone else for it's last wishes. I shall push it to its death in no time now :)

"You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”


At 11:00 PM, Blogger Ratzzz said...

ha ha ha... ROTFL.. i can clearly picture u in ur skeletal vehicle...
forgive my female mind, not much into automobiles but yeah cud see the funny bone of ur Anti-Mustang... :-P LOlzzzz


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